After getting the bike running crappy at best, I decided to pull the carb apart and clean everything. I don't see how a spring and an o-ring could occupy the same space on this needle, but they are "supposed" to.

Cleaned and somewhat functional, I threw the carb back on. I could get it to idle decent, but there was smoke coming from the header flange. Unfortunately it appears what should have been the only good thread on the exhaust stripped out. Instead of trying to get this head welded up and new studs put on, I snatched a used one off ebay.
While waiting for the new head to come in, I decided to play dress up with the rear fender and seat sub-frame. The fender I'm using is a stock rear from an xs650 project years ago. I cut a chunk out, and hammered a slight curve into a duckbill. The seam still needs welded, but it's close to what I had envisioned. As for the sub-frame hoop, it is pieced together from an old xr80 frame from another project I got for free.

I've got some more stuff in the works that I will post up in the next day or two.
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