
xl350 build : part 2

Hello, it's been awhile since I sent anything so this is some of what happened. With the bike running okay I decided to get after the cracked and tattered body parts. The only thing that was not in need was the seat. The seatpan/rear fender was lengthened to fit the bike better, the tank stripped and straightened, trash heap front fender stripped and repaired, and some structure made for the seat. The seat was just kind of stuck on there in such a way that there was an unintentional spring ride effect that was destroying the fiberglass in a hurry. There was also no taillight or tag mount of any kind. The frame had been hastily hacked and the previous owner who did it definitely didn't have my plans in mind. Probably the same guy who cut off the kickstand so the cool muffler would fit. The paint spray is the only part I didn't personally handle and it was done by Rick Thurstenson- the dude in the pic. His work is fantastic! Anyhow, reassembly revealed all
sorts of little issues and things that took tons of time. I have been riding the bike on the street for a couple of weeks now and with a 39 tooth sprocket it can do 80-85 wide open. Hopefully that keeps it on pace with the rest of yas. Is there a reward for smallest engine? So if I can get my headlight issues handled in the next two weeks then I should be good to go. See ya soon!


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